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- Create Date June 29, 2019
- Last Updated May 29, 2024
Access to Justice for Children Project - Baseline Report
This report gives the findings on the current state of child exploitation and birth registration in Mbare and Epworth high-density suburbs of Harare. The research was conducted mainly to ascertain the level of child exploitation, the availability of child protection channels, the competence of the existing channels, the level of knowledge of the community and the reports on prevalence of child exploitation and none birth registration. The baseline study used a mixed method, both qualitative and quantitative methods where employed and data analyzed simultaneously for the purposes of triangulation.
The objectives of the research were:
- To gather information on child abuse, exploitation and child protection channels in Epworth and Mbare
- To establish statistical data on birth registration in Epworth and Mbare
- To evaluate the needs of justice operators for improved delivery of justice for children services in Mbare and Epworth.
The key findings of the study indicates a high level of child abuse and exploitation, a low birth registration, very limited knowledge on importance of birth registration, justice operators, birth registration processes and also very high doubts on the competences of the existing systems by the community.
This report shall be pivotal to Viva Network Zimbabwe in implementing its child protection and birth registration project in the aforementioned areas.